January 7, 2011

Pure awesomeness!

Okay, so I have been stuck in jury duty for the last week, but I can't complain. It gave me a chance at a "normal" schedule and we were also let out nice and early (around 3 most days) so I could come home and take care of the house for my babe. Fortunately yesterday we had a super early doctors appointment so I was able to go! At 7:30 am N had a blood draw then an ultrasound to see how things were moving along. I believe everyone knows this, but we're on injectable hormones this month as well as the Femera and this will be our last shot for a few months and N's last attempt all together, and since I REALLY don't want to be pregnant, we're hoping this is the time!

So, the bloodwork came back AWESOME and the ultrasound was amazingly awesome. We have four follicles ready to pop out some beautiful eggs!! FOUR! Two of them are the same size and will definitely release at the same time. The other two are a bit smaller, but we're hoping those will release as well and be mature enough. Scientifically speaking they should all be good so we have quite a few options here and our chances have been improved dramatically.

So, another thing we will be doing this month is a double insemination. Physically there is nothing wrong with N's body, so we can't seem to figure out why nothing has been happening for us. Our thoughts kept drifting to the idea that the timing might be a bit off and since frozen sperm doesn't last long it really does have to be precise.

We wound up going with a new sperm bank this month. This bank is outside of the Chicagoland area and on all the message boards we read this bank has extraordinary numbers. We made our decision in a completely different way than we normally do. All we did was send the bank an e-mail asking them for a list of their "super donors" and picked our favorite out of those approximately six offered. There's no silhouettes, no photos, no baby photos and no sound bytes but we think this is the best way to go. This guy has an insane amount of pregnancies and isn't even available to be purchased in the midwest anymore. We're hoping his insane numbers and crazy fertility rates will give us the best odds possible. There's even an entire facebook page available to mothers and mothers to be of this donor which I think is amazing! So yeah. Obviously we're excited.

So this is a month for new things. New drugs, new sperm aaaannndddd...we're going to be doing an at home insemination this month. The bank gave us a lot of information we needed including the syringe but we realized we didn't have a speculum. We thought to ourselves "oh where oh where can we buy a speculum?" and I said "how about the local sex store?" well guess what. They have quite a few options at the sex store including one that has electrical shocks going through it. I opted for the plain, boring plastic one, but man was that trip educational.

Also, we have the sperm upstairs with us for the night. Here's a lovely photo:

Yeah. I have found a new respect for sperm. Sperm, I love thee. Anyway, inside that container is the greatness that will be half of our child. Weird, huh? I think so too.

So, I get back home from my sex shop adventure which was a little scary actually. I've seen some amazing sex shops such as Babeland (Brooklyn and NYC...for the love of god, go there if you ever get a chance) and Tulip (Chicago) and this place was neither of those. Friendly staff and more than willing to talk about what you can do with an electrically charged speculum, but a bit...well...scary. So now the fun begins. I get to do a trial run of finding N's cervix. So, speculum, lube, flashlight and camera (don't ask) in hand, I go for it and there it was! Just chillin' like "what up dude" and I was like "hell yeah man. I FOUND you. It's ON like donkey kong....tomorrow." so I feel good.

N got her trigger shot tonight, so we will insem at home around hour 20 then again at hour 36 at the doctors office. Anywhere between hour 24 and 40 we're hoping this awesome sperm and those perfect eggs will match up and make this happen. Honestly we're hoping we'll just get twins so we don't have to ever go through this crap again. Two for one! Anyway, N is having some cramping and pain due to all those beautiful eggs up in there getting big and ready to pop so I can't wait for this all to happen. We will keep you updated and thanks for all your comments it's nice to hear from other people and get feedback.

xoxo - D


  1. This is a great post. I love the idea of N's cervix just hanging out in there and being like, 'what up, dude?' when you go in with your spelunking equipment. :) I hope that tomorrow is just perfect and that your donor does what he's known for!

  2. Woohoo! Awesome post. I think this is your month--good luck!

  3. Great news!! Can't wait to hear about your first at home insem! We have never done it at home either! Crazy to think that the package has to be that big for just a tiny little sperm vial!! Fingers crossed!!!

  4. what bank are you using? We are looking around. We need a super sperm list too!!

  5. My partner (Nic) and I are using MWSB as well. We are planning on starting our first insem in late February...beginner's luck I hope! I agree with you though, Midwest mommies have had a lot of success from what I have read. That is one of the reasons we decided to go with them.

    Good luck and I can't wait to read more. Thank you for sharing your experience with others. It is especially nice to see other lesbian couples out there going through similar experiences.

  6. Good for you for being able to have the stomach to look up there. I was reading a friend's pregnancy book the other day and happened to see photos of the cervix at various stages of the cycle - GROSS! Then again, I am grossed out by anything inside the body.
