January 15, 2011


I am writing this while I wait for my computer to reinstall at the Apple store. I have been without my laptop for 6 days now - the same amount of days since our IUI, eerily enough. It's been painful, but I've managed. With only 13 days until my first PhD candidacy exam, I've remained remarkably calm about the whole situation. There are three reasons for this: 1) I started backing up my computer to an external hard drive not 3 months ago, 2) my most recent back-up was only 1 week before the crash, 3) it could've chosen to crash DURING my exam weekend, at which point I would've died. Literally died.

So, I've been pretty calm. Hopefully everything will be back to 100% working order today, and I can move on with my work and my life.

In TTC news, there is nothing to report as of yet. Did my 5 days of pineapple, am taking my supplements, actively de-stressing when needed, and thinking good thoughts. With everything going on in my student/professional life this week, I haven't really had time to worry, which is nice.

Thank you all for your positive energy this month and always...
♥ N
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