June 2010: Initial consult with fertility doc. Line up all our ducks for an August 1st try.
August 2010: Clomid, 50mg days 3-7. 1 good follicle. HCG trigger shot and IUI with 1st donor (frozen) in Dr.'s office. BFN.
September 2010: Same drug routine, same donor. 1 good follicle. Possible chemical pregnancy but, ultimately, BFN.
October 2010: Same drug routine, same donor. 1 good follicle and 1 "maybe-it'll-go" follicle. BFN. Doctor orders an HSG - pipes are clear and everything looks great! So, what the hell is the problem?
November 2010: Same drug routine, different donor, different sperm bank (Cryogenic Labs). 2 good follicles! No luck. BFN.
December 2010: Different drug: Femara, 5mg days 3-7. 1 good follicle. Different donor. Cryogenic Labs. BFN.
January 2011: Femara, 5mg days 2-6. Bravelle injections days 6-11. 3 follicles. Different donor, Midwest Sperm Bank (we are SO promiscuous). 1 IUI, 1 at-home ICI. BFN.
February 2011: Take my DP to the RE for testing. Everything looks good. At-home insemination (x2) with my DP's belly. BFN.
March 2011: RE-assisted IUI at 9am on MY BIRTHDAY. BFP!